In another infinite time and space, the dark demon's plan has made the world's creatures burned. The end is coming, and all things hold on the last fortress fighting. When star tail fall in the white sky and the dim gems shining again, you, as the lord of the doomsday fortress, wake up! You will summon heroes in the expanse to save the world!


5 Class and 6 Camps, Hundreds of Heroes



Merlin is Cassandra favorite disciple. His talent and efforts make Cassandra to predict that he will become the greatest magician without much time. When Cassandra was disappearing for the stability of the universe, Merlin broke through the space spell and found the body of Cassandra attached soul and successfully brought her back. This allowed Merlin reputation to reach its peak at a time. After the devourer outbreak, Merlin and Cassandra led the survivors to the Olin world.